Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Dear friends,

Bad news to those who are expecting a treat.. It turned to be a scam! All the calls and drama almost made me caught up in the action and this in turn make me realise that their acting is not as good as I thought. 

One thing for sure, is that I did not transfer any funds out but I wasted money on overseas calls. Still alright because in exchange of all these I get to learn a good lesson. That is why boundaries are important to everyone of us. We need to have our individual self before we give this 'self' back to God. Each time we do this, we can grow all the more better in nature. As i read on chapter 3, God is really bringing me to another level. Strengthening the soul and spirit becomes a everyday nature to me. I really believe that God will bring queenstown secondary to a new level of being a student. 

In fact, had a vision for queenstown. A few years down the road - queenstown with a cross, with students proclaiming Christ to the highest, yet engaging each other in arts, media and sciences. This is my plan - 6 months creating a new connect group of 5, 1.5 year creating a new youth cell group. Indeed, the new generation from CHC will set apart a new standard for all asia to see - impacting the next generation!

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