Saturday, September 27, 2008

Crazy Week

Hello again.

One week has just passed and many things had happened throughout the week, except for tue and thurs which are my study days.

First start with Monday. Was watching anime before I sleep and fell asleep at 230am without me knowing. The miracle thing is I woke up at 7am exactly when the sun rose up and shined on my face. The next thing I thought I would be late in reaching Kranji, so I changed quickly and gulped down my coffee, rushing out of the house at 720am. The next thing I fell asleep on the train and reached Kranji at 805am. 805am!!! I am like all of a sudden the earliest of my NTU friends >.< when I thought I was late in the first place. So together with we went over to JB city square and have a shopping therapy and a makan session. Tell you that the makan session is more of enjoying the cakes and laughing at each other's jokes rather than a glutton's session.

Shopped like there's no end. My buddy and I went all over to look for 'breakthrough' clothes to change our image once for all. In the end, I only got my shoes and my buddy got presents and shoes. Sad isn't it for a pair of guys to buy this little?

Afterward, we went Neway - JB Kbox version. We sang till our throats ran dry, the ceiling shaking, the microphones got 'wet'. Haha it was a wonderful time man especially when we sang Lian Ai ING. Everyone just got HIGH~~. However, sad thing I can't join them for dinner and rushed back to SG to help out CHEC crash course.

Wed also another siao night. Went with a few of my NTU and NUS friends to go to Holland Village. I was driving so I parked the car at the multi-storey which is not cashcard gantried, and here I thought I would not be staying too long. In the end, it got too late and changed my car location again... so went to wala wala then jumped to harry's. Everything seemed alright and normal till the packet of fries caught fire!! We tried to blowing it out and it got bigger. Still water is the main help in this situation. The result --- FRIES got Hotter! Taste so much better mmmm... (dun try this at home - this event is an accident)

Friday is the KI siao night. Went with cell group to cathay to eat @ Ashtons. The food is fabulous. The steak tasted juicy and the meat is tender. I can't believe that I am eating this steak for $11 bucks only with 2 side dishes !! Followed after that, we went to watch MAMA MIA! It is such a nice show as they re-sung ABBA songs all over again. Man, I missed those songs when I listened to them as a toddler. We even sang after the movie. Teresa then dragged me and Jialiang over to Clarke Quay as we thought we were going to have fun. This fun turned out to be a Pit-Stop cafe playnight. Played till the shop closed with our hands full of bruises and we all agreed it is cheaper than minds and settlers.

Eventful week, but still need to study. I still got 1/3 left to study. GANBATTE!!

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