Wednesday, September 3, 2008

back again

It's been two months I last blogged...

Everything in my life got piled up easily and more problems arised ahead of me as I stepped out in faith to do greater works.

Indeed, it was not easy to get by. Anybody would think that I would not have survived the tasks and burdens lying ahead. With the campus ministry, school work, cellgroup, tuition ministry, so many burdens weighing on my shoulders. How I wish I could seek His burden and be relaxed once again.

Yet after all the burdens have been cleared, there is another burden in my heart which I could not shake off so long.. I felt drained and worn out by the previous demands, and now i would say "Give me a break already".

But God is faithful. He renewed my strength from time to time again, facing each day challenges ahead. Be it spiritual attacks or challenging tutorials or even playing guitar for the cell group, God is always there to push me through. I haven't reached the prime of my life and longed for the day to come - serve God with all my life just to hear "my good and faithful servant".

To the people, i would like to thank you guys for being there for me, E435, NTU ministry, CHEC and my family (even though they dunno wat i am doing outside the house).

Praise God for all things that is present in my life.

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