hey guys as i promised, this is the 2nd update over here haha.. now we proceed onto day 2 and 3 of the camp.
Day 2 is the washing of the freshmen from the dirty stinky initiation night haha. We went onto pool games and everyone is glad with the chlorine washing them clean smelling like bleach. but we lost like land animals, out of 5 games we won onli one game haha..

still we come out as a more united team always. and we came out a funny cheer too after the end of the games too.
After the pool games, we went onto a series of station games where we involve sports and food haha..

Plenty of games we are champs in haha... not at if we are aiming but we just want to win every rd without ambition haha... hmmm... how contradictory...
well this is our commando holding two damsels racing out of the race haha...

After the stations, we emerged champions tied with our siao on rival og haha... (those from tito shld noe this)
Soon, we went into a fright night which first impression i thought was a safety briefing about chem eng lab haha... Soon it escalated into a frenzy outside where a fake corpse is laid with two 'CID' officers investigating. We went all over the campus searching for clues and witnesses who scared the hell out of us haha.. sad there is no photo over here cos our photographer is missing in action. In the end, we became investigators rather than being scared haha... We ended the fright night with an obvious answer to the mystery and we went back to our rooms at 3am o.O
Soon the third day comes with a hot sun. We were participating in amazing race along the east west line haha.. it was fun running ard and all ( sure made me lose some fat) , of cos we went shopping to buy presents for our secret partners.
This photo is taken at chinese garden try to guess what we are posing.

Of course not forgetting the flour trap haha.. take a look at this final photo

We were the first to reach back the finishing line reaching at like 330pm? haha the next team came in at 5pm tho haha..
Up next will be day 4 n 5 where beach fun and SP nite (SDU induced) will come in. Stay tuned!