Monday, November 17, 2008

Exam Period

Been studyingt lately and wondered whether the course I am taking will bring me to the next level? Getting a paper qualification is just a door to something greater. I can understand that the government is pushing for singaporeans to be all rounder and bilinguial so that the nation's resources is still treasured by MNCs. 

So as I touched on the technoentreprenuer elective, I can also do the same creating a venture that will influence the market in the SEA region. Be it disruptive or revoluntionary, I want to be a light that God can use and the salt for the people to enjoy. 2 Days to Asia Conference, and it is time for Singapore to shine so brightly that Asia will be shaken.

Alamak of all the times, I got a major backache and my left leg is immobilised like a half paralysed. But don't worry I can still walk and take my exam :) I can be healed by the stripes Jesus had borne!

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