Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Life is a marathon where you will need to alternate your paces. when to go fast and when to go slowly and when to extend your stamina - involve factors that we need to learn in life. Sometimes, we went a bit too fast and we burned ourselves out. When we go slow, we dun feel like picking up again. But when we extend our stamina as we stride our legs outside the comfort zone, the pain is near and the gains are long. Fulfillment comes least when you expected. I had chosen to extend my stamina long and hard.

God is really blessing me in this month. Now around this time, the COE drops to $2 and I thought it would be nice to get a car soon. So I asked my dad if there is any hint of buying a new one. The feedback I got is positive. Nonetheless I still need to see if it is really coming to pass. Last week in the midst of Asia Conference 08,  my dad brought me along to test drive the car ( which I will reveal when the car arrives haha) and I drove not according to his expectations of safety. So I thought probably no chance already. Then I remembered the Transformers film last year. As this main actor told his professor this, " If you are Jesus, what would you do to help me?" So I prayed to God for a miracle to come, and it did! My grandmother is going to sponsor half of the car. So I am getting this car!

I prayed hard and long, I worked by practicing outside driving rented cars. I chose to extend my stamina and God blessing comes. This is the wonder of a marathoner. Run like the wind and you will feel the joy of the run.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Exam Period

Been studyingt lately and wondered whether the course I am taking will bring me to the next level? Getting a paper qualification is just a door to something greater. I can understand that the government is pushing for singaporeans to be all rounder and bilinguial so that the nation's resources is still treasured by MNCs. 

So as I touched on the technoentreprenuer elective, I can also do the same creating a venture that will influence the market in the SEA region. Be it disruptive or revoluntionary, I want to be a light that God can use and the salt for the people to enjoy. 2 Days to Asia Conference, and it is time for Singapore to shine so brightly that Asia will be shaken.

Alamak of all the times, I got a major backache and my left leg is immobilised like a half paralysed. But don't worry I can still walk and take my exam :) I can be healed by the stripes Jesus had borne!