Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Time to Mug soon once again

Hey guys,

Been busy with assignments, tutorials snowballing all over me. Of course, easter was round the corner haha. This adds to this present mount of work = Overdrive.

In fact, did try very hard to reach out to frens and family.. But somehow it fell through.... Spiritual attack? not enough prayer? not enough fasting? I dunno, but I know it is the devil setting mines for me to trip over.

The devil loves to destroy ppl hopes and dreams, usually little traps that you will not see. Once you trip over them, these little traps give you sometimes very nasty and catastrophic damage. Like faith lost, bad temper, fright or even backslide...

So we should be prepared by having victory over our flesh first such as fasting and prayer. Tat's y i'm going through a 5-day fast (first time ever yet) and prayer. Mediation on the word is also required too.

Oh well, this is the tip of the week (or even month). Be a good friend by loving yourself and others. Soon, i will sink into the depths of books, probably won't see me sometime. see ya!!

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