Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Long update :D

Hey folks, havent been faithfully blogging hehe =x... due to alot of busy things at hand i missed out blogging.

Anyway here it goes, just last week, it was a hectic week with commitments flying ard with arrows of urgency and i was dodging most of them till the archers became more accurate each try. Starting from wed, try to do tutorials and lab reports but failed to do so due to bs n supper with subzone mates =x

Thurs, it was vday but i din celebrate as usual cos this time round, not enough finances to romance a girl at this moment haha.. so i went to work as a tutor for maths and no time for hw again.

Friday, it was outreach (on my own hais). This time with my ex sec sch classmate, hui xian, now working as a nurse at SGH. I was impressed how she became more prettier the last time i saw her in sch haha and how well she maintained too. So, drove her from work to theatres to watch L: change the world. I tell you the movie is good and it brings out a better flavour than the previous Death Note movies. So i went on sharing with her abt our sch mates n also my transformation by Jesus for 2 yrs ongoing alr. Indeed the experience is gd and i wanna try again talking to her and bring her to church finally.

Saturday, Only slept 3-4 hrs, went for breakfast with family, den rushed to tuition, after which rushed to outreach (cg) and rushed to service to help out with the booth. Finally went over to fren's bday party late >.< I could not believe i can be so busy in this hectic day. Normally Sat is my rest day but it turned to be the busiest for me... Oh well I SURVIVED!! haha my fren was happy to see me ard ( cos i was the only tito junior there). So well after the party, went back home and collapsed on the bed.

So i guess the busy days can come unexpectedly if u dun plan well so i must make sure that i plan my week ahead!!

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