Monday, January 21, 2008

oops! my bad haha... not my habit in blogging though but i will try hard next week to get updates up n fast asap!

Anyway, this week is coffee prince week!! wahaha eversince rui introduced me to the show on youtube, i developed a bad habit of staying up late till 2-3am den i sleep. Then the next following day, each time I am late for class...

However, the best thing is always saved for the last. This week CG was tremendous! It wasn't my guitar nor howard nor anyone else... The presence filled the place and I was feeling fire on my body (you won't believe how much i perspire even though the room is cool) this moment is unique and unbelievable. It is GOD!

Then comes the service! same thing happened to me again (i'm suffering a cold tat time) perspiration is found near my face n hands. God is good and He always leaves a great impression on the person who experienced His love.

yawns... side effects from coffee prince i'll update more later!!

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